
Welcome to the Client Acquisition Accelerator Program


Are you ready to turn your passion into a thriving, successful coaching business?

Welcome to the Client Acquisition Accelerator Program, where we specialize in guiding aspiring coaches to launch their practices and magnetically attract clients! 

About the Program

The Client Acquisition Accelerator Program is your ultimate blueprint for kick-starting your coaching business and ensuring it reaches new heights. We place a strong emphasis on organic marketing, teaching you how to effortlessly draw clients to your practice and then scale it to the moon if you want to do that. 🌝

Regitze Juul Simonsen

What You'll Learn:

Why Choose Us:

Your Coaching Program Benefits:

Transformative Group Coaching

Gain access to a year of weekly group coaching sessions, where you’ll receive personalized support and guidance from industry experts and fellow coaches.

Lifetime Access

Enjoy unlimited access to our online program, with continuous updates and enhancements to keep pace with the evolving coaching landscape.

Community of Champions

Join an exclusive online community of passionate individuals, where you’ll find inspiration, support, and networking opportunities to fuel your growth.


Receive daily guidance and support via messaging platforms, ensuring that your progress is never hindered by obstacles or uncertainty.

Direct Mentorship Your Journey Begins Now

Are you ready to turn your passion into a thriving coaching business? Don’t let hesitation hold you back from pursuing your dreams.

Click below to join the Client Acquisition Accelerator Program and embark on a transformative journey toward success!

What Our Clients Say

I found this experience to be excellent. It was highly encouraging and reassuring, and your support has been invaluable to me. I truly value your words because they are not just about providing quick advice; they are authentic and genuine. In my opinion, authenticity is crucial in building relationships, especially in business. I sincerely appreciate your guidance and support. Thank you very much.

"Oh, absolutely! It was incredibly informative, and I believe you provided numerous valuable tips. Your insights were exceptionally helpful, and I'm eager to sit down after this and carefully organize my thoughts based on everything you've shared. I can't wait to create a plan for implementing these strategies into my business. Thank you!"

"I recently had an incredible coaching session with Cidy. We delved deep into understanding exactly what I need to achieve my goals. Cidy asked the perfect, thought-provoking questions that helped me gain a deeper understanding of myself, my business, and my values. Moreover, she provided actionable steps and ideas for real progress in my business. Her positive energy was truly uplifting and left me feeling like I had experienced a significant shift towards my goals. I'm immensely grateful for the clarity I gained from our session. If anyone is considering a coaching call with her, I highly recommend it. You'll walk away with a clearer understanding of yourself and what you want to achieve, as well as a solid plan of action for moving forward."

"I was feeling incredibly overwhelmed, drowning in a sea of information, unsure if I was on the right track or if corrections were needed. Then, I had the pleasure of meeting Ritz. She meticulously reviewed my profile and website, and together we discussed various strategies. She promptly provided me with a detailed document outlining actionable steps, which immediately gave me a sense of direction. However, it wasn't until I began implementing her suggestions that I realized their true depth and value. Ritz didn't just offer generic advice; she thoroughly analyzed my pages, pinpointing areas for improvement. I'm truly grateful for her insights, and I've already implemented most of her recommendations. As I wrap up the final pieces, I can confidently say that seeking her guidance was the right decision. I wholeheartedly recommend Ritz to anyone feeling stuck or seeking to enhance their business and online presence. Thank you, Ritz!"

Yeah, I truly appreciate the wealth of valuable information you provided. For me, the most crucial takeaway, especially as I'm just starting out, is the importance of narrowing my focus initially. With so many potential coaching offerings and experiences under my belt, it's vital to define a clear direction and build from there. Your emphasis on persistence, particularly when starting from scratch, resonated deeply with me. It's essential to be realistic about the time and effort required to establish a presence and gain traction.I also found your insights on engagement strategies incredibly valuable. Moving beyond merely liking posts to initiating conversations can significantly enhance connection and rapport. Your suggestion to start conversations with simple, genuine prompts, like sharing travel experiences, was eye-opening.These top three takeaways really stood out for me. Additionally, your willingness to generously share advice and resources, as well as your warm and approachable demeanor, made the experience even more enriching. It's evident that you genuinely enjoy connecting with and helping others, which creates a positive and welcoming atmosphere. Thank you for being so genuine and supportive throughout our interaction.

"I genuinely found value in our conversation. You're incredibly easy to talk to, which isn't always the case with new connections. Your informative approach was appreciated, and I felt the insights you shared were helpful overall. If I were to offer any feedback, it would be to consider having a clear offer available, even if you're primarily focused on providing general information. While your kindness was evident and appreciated, having a clear next step or offer could enhance the overall experience. Nonetheless, I'm grateful for the guidance you provided, which has given me clarity on my next steps. Thank you for the conversation."

"Exactly! What sets your advice apart is the personalized touch. While many courses or challenges provide information on what to do, they often lack the tailored approach you offered. You took the time to thoroughly review my page and course, pinpointing specific areas for improvement and offering precise guidance. This level of personalized feedback was incredibly reassuring for me, especially when I have numerous ideas but lack clarity on which direction to take. Now, armed with your insights, I feel much more confident about the next steps to take. Thank you for your thorough and personalized guidance."

"Hello, thank you immensely for our session today. I deeply appreciate the compassionate listening environment you created during our coaching session. Today, I sought support in the marketing aspect of my mindfulness business, and you provided an incredible depth of knowledge and expertise on client attraction. You not only helped me fine-tune my current strategies for greater results but also guided me in exploring the underlying fears that may be holding me back. Your ability to address both practical marketing techniques and deeper personal growth topics like fear was truly inspiring. It's evident that you lead by example, embodying the principles you teach, and I'm grateful for the way you share that with me. I wholeheartedly recommend you to anyone seeking support in personal and entrepreneurial growth. Thank you."

"Your insights on pricing were incredibly valuable. You helped me recognize the value in what I offer and encouraged me to confidently communicate that value to others consistently. This guidance has been truly helpful, and I'm grateful for it. I'll definitely keep these insights in mind as I move forward. Thank you."

Today, I had a conversation with Regitze about acquiring clients as I embark on my journey as a new coach. Being somewhat shy and hesitant to appear on camera or talk about myself, I was unsure how to proceed. However, Regitze insights were truly inspiring. She suggested starting with a podcast as a way to build confidence without stepping out of my comfort zone prematurely. Moreover, she encouraged me to share my personal story as a means of empowering others, which resonated deeply with me.What I found particularly inspiring was the range of options she presented. From utilizing AI tools to incorporating animations, she showed me creative ways to present myself authentically while maintaining consistency on social media. This conversation left me feeling empowered and equipped with practical strategies to attract clients.I'm genuinely grateful for the guidance and support Regitze provided today. Thank you for facilitating this conversation

Yeah, I definitely gained some valuable insights from our conversation. You helped me realize that while my website is solid, there are areas where I could make improvements. Additionally, you pointed out several social media platforms where I can effectively attract clients, which was really helpful.I particularly appreciated your guidance on avoiding confusion for potential clients, which was a crucial takeaway for me. Overall, I'm grateful for your insights and suggestions. Thank you for helping me see things from a different perspective.

Yes, it truly helped me realize the importance of narrowing down my niche and focusing on the area that truly resonates with me. Specifically, it helped me envision how I can create a program tailored for women going through challenging times. There's so much clarity now on how to proceed. Thank you for guiding me through this process; it's been incredibly beneficial.